I love this season, and I love having enough down-time to really enjoy it. This weekend, we barely left the apartment (with the exception of a pizza adventure with Caroline). Who needs the world outside when you can crank up the Christmas tunes, and the oven, to your heart's content?
I fly down to Florida on Tuesday to spend Christmas with my family, and then my mom, sisters and I fly up to NJ on December 26 for Christmas Part II--the cold edition. George will drive down to his parents' early on Christmas Eve, and we'll drive back home together sometime before New Year's. On the wedding front, one major step will be taken in Florida as I build my duct-tape dress form (stay tuned for pictures of that debacle) and my aunt modifies the muslin version of my dress. Can't wait!!
It's so exciting to have my aunt making my dress just for me, based on different pieces of different patterns I've fallen in love with, but there's one down side--I never had that "ooh, this is the dress!" moment. Trying on the muslin version will be my first chance to actually see myself in the dress, so I'm extremely excited! I can't thank my aunt enough for all of her help. She's the best!
George and I exchanged our Christmas presents early this year. We usually wait until after Christmas when we're together, but figured why wait? If we aren't holding out for Christmas itself, why not just go for it? We both got each other experiences this year...I got him a few hours of golf simulator time, since he's had to give up his favorite hobby with the change of seasons. He got me monthly facials from now until the wedding! (Glow insurance, perhaps?) I am so excited; I love getting facials but they're the sort of thing I never treat myself to. Especially with wedding/home/"settling down" savings at the forefront of our minds like never before, it's a real indulgence!
While we're in New Jersey, we'll also have our first pre cana meeting with Father Bill. We're both excited, and will update you afterward. Since we know each other so well, it will be fun to see what new ground we might cover. I called the church during my lunch break at work one day, and it turns out that some of my favorite Emerson professors actually participated in a workshop this fall for Greek Orthodox priests! Father Bill noticed "Emerson College" on his caller ID and filled me in on the coicidence. Sure enough, Dr. Phil Glenn and a few other members of the poli comm faculty, along with communications professionals from other schools, worked with the priests to talk about effective and dynamic message delivery (not a preaching style that the Orthodox church is really known for). Now I know our priest has been coached by the best!
On that note, I have some summertime cookies left that are just begging to fulfill their purpose...
Thanks for listening!