It's been a while since I got a good night's sleep. It happened, maybe, twice in the past month. No good's not as if I'm working all hours like some of my friends (and yet they manage to put together amazing parties *cough*Jacqui*cough*) but my body just won't let me sleep through the night. Or during the day, for that matter!
I don't think it's just the wedding; I feel like I'm spinning my wheels on a couple of fronts. Someone wisely pointed out last week, at least you're stressing about real things, not about whether or not to get married. Some people get cold feet around this time. And that's true. I have no doubts that this marriage is the right often as I do feel like throttling George lately. Yes, I want to wring his neck with increasing frequency, but that's how relationships go sometimes. We may be young, but we've been together long enough to have learned that lesson well!
In other news, the invitations are out, and we've already received a few responses. Most people seem to understand our reply postcards so far! Maybe as we get closer to the wedding, I'll start sleeping more soundly. I can only hope...